School Information
School Hours
Our day begins at 8:55 am. The schedule below is followed for all students.
8:25 am
Busses Arrive
8:50 am
Student Entry
8:55 am
Opening Exercises
10:55- 11:40 am
First Nutrition Break
1:40- 2:25 pm
Second Nutrition Break
3:25 pm
Outside supervision starts at 8:25 am. Unless prior arrangements have been made with the teacher, students should not arrive before this time. Please note: There is not supervision of the playground equipment after school.
For security reasons, all parents and visitors are requested to check into the main office. Visitors and volunteers are required to sign in and wear "Visitors'badges that can be picked up at the office. Parents picking up children during the day are asked to have the children meet them at the office. Parents picking up the children at the end of the day are asked to meet them either at the office or the lobby outside of the office. Parents waiting in the halls adds to the confusion and congestion to an already busy time of day.
A goal of the school is to communicate effectively with parents and with our community. You will receive a monthly newsletter from the school concerning matters which we feel may be important to you. To have effective communication, newsletters will always go home on the first Wednesday of each month. Any other communications will also go home on a Wednesday. Each class also sends home a regular newsletter which includes the academic program plans. These plans indicate to parents the activities the students will be working on, and the method of assessment for the duration of the plan.
Safe Arrival Program
- Please call the school before 8:40 a.m. if your child is going to be absent or late, or send a note with a sibling to report the absence to the school office. A message may be left on the answering machine, (safe arrival extension 100), if it is necessary to call outside of school hours. The school will contact a parent/guardian if a child has not reported to school.
- Students who are required to leave school during the day must present a note, dated and signed by a parent, to the homeroom teacher. The note should indicate the reason for having to leave the school.
- Lateness- Classes at Osprey begin promptly at 8:55 a.m. Students are expected to be on time for classes, both in the morning and the afternoon. Should you know in advance that your child will be late, please notify the office.
Field Trips
Field trips outside the school property, closely linked to areas of the curriculum or units of study, will take place during different times in the school year. Parents will be kept well informed as to the nature of the trip and all pertinent details. Written parent/guardian permission will be required. Students who do not return the appropriate permission forms will not be allowed to participate. Some costs may be involved to cover transportation and admission.
Lost and Found
Since so many articles of clothing are similar, we recommend that you label your child's clothing with first and last names. Our lost and found shelf is located in the hall directly beside the library and you may come in to locate lost articles at any time. All unclaimed items are donated to a charitable organization at various times of the year.
Bicycles must be walked once your child is on school property and must be placed in assigned areas. Please encourage your children to obey safety rules at all times. If students do not obey the rules of the road and cycle safely, they may be asked to leave their bikes at home. Students with bikes are expected to wear proper helmets as it is a requirement of the Highway Traffic Act. Skateboards, inline-skates, and wheelies are not permitted on school property during the school day.
Y.A.R.F.Y. (You Are Responsible For Yourself)
Each week at Osprey we have an assembly to recognize students or staff who have made a positive contribution to the Osprey community. Recognition is made for kindness to others, picking up debris around the school, good sportsmanship, and general attributes that make up a good citizen such as one of the 10 Character attributes in our Character Development initiative. Recipients will receive a certificate and their picture placed on our Y.A.R.F.Y. wall in front of the office.
Bussing Policy
Only students who are assigned to particular buses will be allowed to ride on them, as space is limited. Transportation for birthday parties, sleepovers, etc. is the responsibility of the parent. We will try to help out in emergency situations, childcare arrangements, or changes for educational reasons. Contact must be made directly with the school using written notification that is dated and signed by the parent.
School Community Council
School Councils are playing an increasingly influential role. School Councils are an independent advisory body acting as a forum to all community stakeholders:
- Providing advice on action to be taken while respecting the responsibilities and duties of the principal, school personnel and the board as outlined in the Education Act and in Board Policies;
- Identifying priority issues as outlined in the Ministry of Education Program Memorandum 122 and providing advice to the school community members who may take action;
- Providing ideas and opinions to assist the Principal in making decisions which should reflect the views of the school community and what is best for the students;
- Maintaining a school-wide focus on all issues. Council meetings will not include discussions about individual parents, students, staff, trustees or other council members.
Phys. Ed. Clothing
All students require appropriate footwear to participate in Phys. Ed. Students from grades 4-8 will be strongly encouraged to change into shorts and t-shirts. Use of a stick deodorant is suggested, however, some products are very strong and offensive. We need to be aware of the allergic sensitivities that these fragrances cause.
Extra-curricular Activities
These activities provide an excellent opportunity to develop leadership, to enrich interests beyond academics, to increase one's ability to work in groups, and to develop a sense of responsibility. It is suggested that students take part in sports, band, plays, clubs and other school activities during the year, but it is important to realize that the academic program comes first. The following criteria are required if a student wishes to become a member of a school team: skill, good behaviour, attendance, effort in class and a positive attitude.
Use of Telephone
Classroom phones will not be used without the direct supervision of a staff member. Students will be encouraged to use the school phone in the office if they are not feeling well. School phones are for emergencies only. Social plans need to be sorted out at home and arrangements made prior to coming to school.
Changes of Address
All changes of address or phone numbers should be reported immediately to the school so that our records are up to date. This is extremely important in the case of emergencies. On record we have an alternate phone number in case you can't be reached. If this number changes, please let us know.
We welcome and recognize the valuable support provided by volunteers in our Board. Volunteers are able to foster strong school and community liaison, enhance the quality of education, and optimize the learning opportunities for students. Volunteers will work under supervision of a staff member, ensure issues of staff, or students remain confidential. We rely on the help of our volunteers and appreciate the time given on a regular or occasional basis. You would have an opportunity to help with the nutrition program, reading program or assist in a classroom. The continued success of our students is due to the unselfish commitment volunteers make.